How To Play


1. Get into a team and download Whatsapp

Gather your team of 2+ players and ensure you have a phone that can receive Whatsapp messages.


2. Begin your mission

Upon booking your mission, you will receive instructions from The Agency by email. On the day of your mission, once at the start location, follow these instructions to start the mission.


3. Crack clues sent to your phone

Receive clues and codes to solve using your surroundings. When you figure out a clue, message The Agency back with the answer to get the next clue.


4. Receive help from the Agency

If you are struggling, you can ask for help. There are 2 hints for every clue. If you need to, message ‘HELP’ to get a hint.

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5. R

ace against the clock.

In each of our missions, there is one section where you will be under time pressure.


What You Need

  • Team of minimum 2 people (Essential)

  • Fully charged mobile phone as the mission will take approximately 2 hours (Essential)

  • Access to Whatsapp (Essential)

  • Mobile data (Essential)

  • Power bank/mobile charger (Recommended)

  • Earphones (Recommended)